Furniture layout apartment living room layout ideas
Furniture layout apartment living room layout ideas

furniture layout apartment living room layout ideas

This room has two entry ways so two chairs are grouped together on one side of the room, and one chair is placed opposite it. Illustration 3 shows the main sofa being flanked by two chairs. If there still was not enough lighting in the room, an extra floor lamp could take the place of the potted tree. The lighting fixture would counterbalance the potted tree opposite it. A floor lamp could be placed in the left corner of the room if extra lighting is necessary. In this room I put a potted tree behind one of the french doors on the right side of the room. Illustration 2 shows how the main sofa is flanked on each side by two pairs of chairs. In this illustration and all the others for this post I placed arrows which show how a person can enter the room, and how a traffic pattern might be formed. In the right corner of the room is a potted tree, but a floor lamp could also be placed there for extra lighting if necessary. Notice how a square and a round shaped end table are placed alongside the main sofa, and a floor lamp is placed alongside the sofa on the left. Illustration 1 shows how the main three cushion sofa in this room is flanked by another three cushion sofa, and that sofa is counterbalanced by a pair of occasional or upholstered chairs placed opposite it. Putting all those posts into action I came up with the next 11 possible ways to arrange furniture in a square room. Arranging Furniture around a Fireplace in the Corner of a Room, came to mind second, and Arranging Furniture TWELVE different ways in the Same Room was third. Arranging Living Room Furniture so Sofas talk to Chairs, Like the Pros do was the first thing that came to mind. When laying out the furniture shapes I thought about some of my past posts. I thought about making groupings for conversation, how each piece of furniture in the room would be spaced, and traffic patterns going into the room. Finally I looked at the measurements of small-sized upholstered benches, they were 24 inches square, give or take a few inches, so I made 2 inch by 2 inch templates to represent them.Īfter measuring, cutting out and making my furniture representing shapes, I started laying them out on the 16×16 inch grid. Most upholstered chairs that are not on steroids are 36×36 inches square, give or take a few inches here or there. After that I made six paper templates 3 inches x 3 inches to represent upholstered chairs. Knowing those measurements I cut out two 3 inches x 7 inches pieces of paper to represent two 3 foot by 7 foot sofas (one inch = one foot). Next I looked at a number of furniture catalogs and saw that the majority of sofas are 84 inches long (7 feet), give or take a few inches, and 36 inches wide (3 feet), give or take a few inches. After that I marked off one inch intervals, horizontally and vertically along the outside edges of the paper and with a pencil and ruler ran lines from one side of the paper to the other to form a grid of one inch squares (see the background of the cover illustration for this post).

furniture layout apartment living room layout ideas

To see what a 16×16 foot space looked like, I took four pieces of computer printer paper and taped them together to form a 16×16 inch square (one square inch equals one square foot). I thought a 16×16 foot room did not seem too out of the ordinary, and a person with a 16×18 foot living room, or longer could take my ideas and modify them to fit their space. When I first started thinking about a square living room, I had to come up with a room size. Their inquiry brought about this post, I hope you find it inspiring.

furniture layout apartment living room layout ideas

Recently someone inquired about arranging furniture in a square living room.

furniture layout apartment living room layout ideas

Arranging furniture in a 16×16 foot square Living Room The topic of arranging furniture has been a subject a lot of my readers have been interested in.

Furniture layout apartment living room layout ideas